Professional "Speaking" Programs
Customized To Your Specific Needs
Our speaking programs focus on but are not limited to:
- Communicating to produce results
- Implementing action steps to generate change
- Negotiating effectively to attain desired outcomes
- Creating and maintaining customer loyalty
All presentations, consulting, and coaching programs are designed to:
- Focus on key areas stressed in the client’s assessment
- Create positive and specific change
- Provide “How to’s” and “Why to’s” for creating Total Life Enjoyment™
CLICK HERE to learn more about the 7 Steps To Creating Results.
Our Most Popular Speaking Programs:
Results! Results! Results! Everyone wants results for their teams, their families, and their personal lives. The question is how do we produce results?
Phil will assist every attendee in deciding what results they desire and help them put together a plan to produce their results. Everyone will be introduced to his formula of:
R for reflect and resolve
E for energize
S for strategies
U for unite
L for love
T for track
S for start again
How will this benefit you?
– You’ll maximize your contribution to your team
– You’ll build your attitudes, skills, and knowledge to get results
– You’ll reassess the way you work with people to create better relationships
– You’ll discover the qualities that make people respond to you
– You’ll break through barriers to communication
– You’ll recognize and tap into your underutilized resources
– You’ll develop a more productive team
Teamwork is based on great individual execution of assigned responsible. You will learn how this approach with help your team be their best. When a team shows up ready to play, think of what has happened before the clock starts. We will cover these concepts and encourage you to courageously implement them into your business.
As a business owner, you are the backbone of the free enterprise system. More importantly, you help other business owners succeed.
LEARN the four common denominators of health and productivity as identified by Harvard Medical School;
KNOW the pleasures of being responsible; and ENJOY your life, your family and yourself.
HUMOR has been dismissed by business people as frivolous and unproductive. In fact, it may be one of the most underrated and invaluable assets for people who plan to prosper.
HUMOR enables us to do better. Laughter moves the body and that feels good. We breathe more deeply and that brings greater amounts of oxygen to the brain so we can think more clearly. Laughing produces chemicals in the brain that reduce pain and stress. Humor is simply a powerful trigger for creative action!
Phil will present a system that will teach you the why to’s and the how to’s that will position you for success and enjoyment.
Work Smart: Phil will show you six ways to motivate yourself and four ways to help others motivate themselves.
Have Fun: Enjoy a Servant’s Attitude. Today, we must position ourselves to be different by enjoying the process of taking care of yourself and the people we touch.
Create Loyalty: Customer Satisfaction – Customer Service. These concepts are the basics. Phil will present the four key factors in creating Customer Loyalty based on research from the Gallup Organization.
See Phil In Action
One of the most valuable tools we have for customizing a solution for your organization’s needs are our “Questions for Customizing Your Enjoyable Solutions”
Click the button below to submit your answers and we build a speaking solution for your organization.