The Enjoyment Report
Sample Two
"What we really teach is the challenge, the power, and yes, if you want it to be, the fun of free will. Wherever you are in life, someone has had it worse and made it, and someone has had it better, and blown it."
Phil Sorentino Tweet
Inside This issue
Balance vs. Focus
Career and life balance is impossible! There will be no time in your life when you will achieve balance in your career and life. And, by the way, when something is balanced, what is happening? NOTHING.
Personal and professional fulfillment is only achieved through intense focus. There are times to focus on your family, focus on your career, focus on your finances, focus on your health, or to focus on your spirituality. You get what you focus on.
Okay now, ready? FEEL your underwear. None of you were feeling your underwear until I told you to. Now, you ALL are feeling your underwear; unless you are not wearing any. Please put some on, or you will have a big dry cleaning bill. My point is, what you focus on expands. (No, not your underwear expanding!)
When you focus on lack, lack expands. (Lack expanding, now that’s funny) My point is, you move to where your attention is. Can you discipline your thoughts to focus on what you have and be grateful, what you need for the basics, and what you want for your desires?
I have just finished a new program on willpower. I use to say that 25% of all change is how and 75% is why. I now know it is 20% how, 30% why and 50% will. You can know your how. You can know your why. If you don’t have the will, discipline and self-control to implement, nothing happens.
Book Review – Tribes – We Need You to Lead Us
Seth Godin has done it again. Man, he is good!
(From the dust cover)
A tribe is any group of people, large or small, who are connected to one another, a leader, and an idea. For millions of years, humans have joined tribes, be they religious, ethnic, political, or even musical (think of the Deadheads). It’s our nature.
Now the Internet has eliminated the barriers of geography, cost, and time. All those blogs and social networking sites are helping existing tribes get bigger and enabling new tribes to be born – groups of ten or ten million who care about their iPhones, or a political campaign, or a new way to fight global warming.
Who is going to lead all these tribes?
The Web can do amazing things, but it can’t provide leadership. That still has to come from individuals – people just like you who have passion about something. Anyone who wants to make a difference now has the tools at her fingertips.
Tribes will make you think (really think) about the opportunities for leading your fellow employees, customers, investors, believers, hobbyists, readers…It’s not easy, but it’s easier than you probably imagine.
Encouragement: Affecting Your and Others Behavior
Encouragement: Affecting Your and Others Behavior – Phil’s Leadership Presentation at The Franklin Leadership Center.
Phil shares in his unique fashion how our attitudes, and in particularly our sense of humor, determines our perspective and the way we act, learn, grow, and have fun; the key is all about knowing that our success at each one is the result of our choices.
Leaders need to surround themselves with opportunities to learn and grow and to develop the attitude to be, do, have, and give. On the other hand, leaders need to have the courage to take action and live in the present, because we will never have all of the wisdom and experience that we need to solve every problem. You can’t wait on the future to begin living; it is all about learning and growing through a lifetime of living in the “presents.”
Phil first shares that in order to learn and grow, leaders need to set a course of self-improvement through “the people you hang around with and the books that you read” which will make all of the difference in the quality of your life. The second directive is learning to master the people skills of accentuating the positive, providing recognition for others, remaining flexible in our own direction, delegating responsibility, and helping others to realize and expand their own strengths and abilities. Self-improvement and focusing on others increases our opportunities to be, do, have, and give, which in turn, increases our quality of life.
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