What Is Coaching?
Help Going From Here To There With A Smile
Tiger Woods has a golf coach
Enough said. Here is one of the best carbon-based life forms at golf on the planet. He has someone to coach him to be better, to see things he can’t, to share a perspective that will take him from “here” to “there”.
That’s all a coach does. To quote Pat Donadio, a veteran coach, “All we do is take individuals from here to there.” The clients or players determine the “here” – here they are now – to the “there” – where they want to be.
Phil and Susan at Humor Consultants not only believe it is possible to have joy at whatever you do, we know that being joyful is how to get whatever you want.
What Is Personal Coaching?
- Assessing your present state
- Designing a plan for your future
- Supporting your efforts in getting what you want from each day
What are the roles of a coach?
- To assist you in developing step-by-step plans for achieving your goals and dreams
- To support you and keep you focused
- To inspire and encourage
- To listen to you
- To offer suggestions on ways to handle a problem or capitalize on an opportunity
- To challenge you to take risks and to be your best
- To expect accountability from you
- To celebrate all of your achievements
What can coaching assist you with?
- Finding balance in your life
- Self acceptance
- Goal setting
- Determine you “fuelers” and “drainers”
- Prioritize what you really want in life and devise a plan of action for achievement
- Personal or professional transition
- Improving overall health
- Reaching recreational goals
- Organization and simplification
- Resolving conflict in your life
- Determine what is holding you back
- Improving interpersonal relationships with family, friends and co-workers
- Improving interpersonal relationships with family, friends and co-workers
- Discover keys to happiness co-workers
- Motivation
- Gratitude
- Making choices that are best for you